Afterglow Series Book Tour: Character interview & excerpt

Welcome to The Afterglow Trilogy Official Blog Tour . We read and liked Beckoning Light (our review) and we're happy to be a part of this tour hosted by A Tale of Many Reviews . Author Alyssa Rose Ivy has shared with us a game of This and That with Charlotte's brother, Kevin, and an excerpt from Perilous Light . Beckoning Light (The Afterglow Trilogy #1) by Alyssa Rose Ivy Genre: YA fantasy Blurb: As Charlotte steps through the gate, she has a strong feeling that nothing will ever be the same again. Moving back to South Carolina after three years away, Charlotte knows she's going to have to face people from her past and adjust to a new high school, but she's completely unprepared for what else waits for her in Charleston. Drawn through an old garden gate, Charlotte discovers a hidden world where she meets Calvin, a boy to whom she is inexplicably attracted. As Charlotte is pulled deeper into this hidden world, it's up to her older brother Kevin to rescue h...