Something Wicked Returns Blog Hop, week 2: An interview with author/editor Donna Ansari

This is the second week of the Something Wicked Returns Blog hop. This cool blog hop runs for the entire month of October. This year's event is run by Heidi@ Rainy Day Ramblings , Candace@Candace's Book Blog , Maja@The Nocturnal Library and Ali@My Guilty Obsession . For this week's post, Reader Girls is placing the spotlight on Donna Ansari, an author and editor. She edited Urban Harvest, Tales of the Paranormal in New York City , an urban fantasy anthology featuring paranormal stories that take place in New York City or one of its five boroughs. That could mean vampires, ghosts, and more! How cool is that? The great thing about Urban Harvest is editor Donna Ansari is giving the proceeds from this ebook to a very deserving charity, City Harvest , an organization which helps to feed those in need. We are offering a Giveaway of an eBook copy of Urban Harvest and an Amazon gift card. Read all about ...