Summer Reading Challenge: The Revealed by Jessica Hickam #SRC2014

Here is another stop for SparkPress' Summer Reading Challenge which we are participating in. Today's post is for The Revealed , in intriguing YA dystopian title. Enjoy! The Revealed by Jessica Hickam YA dystopia/romance/mystery Paperback/eBook, 314 pages Published June 17th 2014 by SparkPress Lily Atwood lives in what used to be called Washington, D.C. Her father is one of the most powerful men in the world, having been a vital part of rebuilding and reuniting humanity after the war that killed over five billion people. Now he’s running to be one of its leaders. But in the rediscovered peace on Earth, a new enemy has risen. They call themselves the Revealed – a powerful underground organization that has been kidnapping 18 year olds across the globe without reservation. No one knows why they are kidnapping these teens, but it’s clear something is different about these people. They can set fires with a snap of their fingers and create a wind strong enough to barr...