The Gilder Book Tour: Review

Reader Girls is the first stop on The Gilder Book Tour hosted by Crazy Book Tours. Welcome and read on to learn more about what makes The Gilder such an absorbing novel. Publication Date: January 2012 Kensington Books Summary: Set against the exquisite backdrop of Florence, Italy, The Gilder is a compelling and beautifully wrought novel of secrets, friendship, betrayal, and the simple choices that change us forever. . . In Marina Nesmith's skilled hands, even the most tarnished picture frame or objet d'art can be made perfect once again. Her life, too, seems flawless, at least on the surface. But more and more, Marina is conscious of what she lacks--someone to share her joys and sorrows with, confidence in the decisions she's made, and the courage to tell her teenage daughter, Zoe, the truth about her father. Then Marina is invited to return to Florence, where she lived years before while learning her trade as a gilder. In those heady days, she wandered the cit...