Sophie Simon Solves Them All by Lisa Graff; pictures by Jason Beene

Reading level: Ages 9-12 Hardcover: 112 pages Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux (September 28, 2010) Book Summary: For a third-grader, Sophie Simon is one smart cookie. But she's no genius when if comes to calculating the high value of friendship, until she must use her incredible IQ to help out some classmates with parental troubles. My Review: Not every third grader reads college textbooks for fun. Most of them don't even read them at all! That's why Sophie Simon is unique: she loves calculus, reading, and she's really smart. So it is no surprise when she wants the new $100 Pembo Q-60 calculator. The only thing in her way is her parents. Ever since they saw a TV show about having a "well adjusted" child, they've been trying to change Sophie, and make her into a "normal" kid. But Sophie is far from normal--and she'll do anything to get that calculator. But getting $100 isn't as easy as it seems, still Sophie Simon will do any...