Name Before the Masses Publisher Tour: Interview with Dawn Lyons--Editor/Acquisitions + Giveaway

Presented by Goddess Fish Promotions Rebel Ink Press - Publisher of Cutting Edge Romance Genre: We encompass everything from sweet to heat in all sub-genres to include but not limited to contemporary, erotic, paranormal, suspense, historical, ménage, same sex, and BDSM. Company Bio: Open since August 2010, Rebel strives to provide readers with stories they want and while offering the services authors deserve. We're committed to good citizenship, fair business practices, and developing up and coming authors through editorial support, marketing and promotion--all of which help authors create their best works possible. Blurbs/Excerpts will be determined by the current months releases and will be sent with the necessary information for each host. We have a custom informational blog piece we can share and we’re open to interviews by staff members. We also have an informational video in the works we’d like to share. R ebel Ink Press links: Website | Facebo...