Blog tour: Wicked Thing by Angeline Kace

Here is another New Adult title to read about and add to the read next list. We are one of today's stops on the Wicked Thing blog tour hosted by Ink Slinger PR. Isn't that a great cover? Readers will find an excerpt below to get a taste of Dallas Brown and there's a giveaway to enter. Click here to see the other tour stops. Wicked Thing by Angeline Kace New Adult contemporary romance Paperback/eBook Published September 26th 2013 by Accendo Press LLC Carmyn Rafferty witnessed the aftermath of her mother's affair. She learned at a young age not to trust anyone. Especially not your spouse. So she's planned. She's planned every detail of her life: who her husband will be, what their careers will be, what their lives will be like. All to avoid the pain of infidelity. Dallas Brown lives a life all his own. He doesn't do relationships, he doesn't care what anyone thinks of him, and he doesn't live up to anyone's expectations but his own. W...