Our Blogoversary Giveaway

On Monday we reached another milestone: our blogoversary . Has it already been one year since we decided to blog about our love of reading and books? One year of seeing how amazing the community of book reviewers and bloggers really is. Wow. We have enjoyed the weekly memes and contests, meeting and reading the variety of opinions around the blogosphere, participating in book tours and contacting authors. We find we approach our reading a little differently and keep a pen handy to jot down page numbers and make notes. The one thing that hasn't changed is the simple joy we get from being enveloped by a story--the power of words on a page or screen. With the growing popularity of e-readers our own reading experiences have changed to include digital books. The YA market is incredibly hot and we think it's great. Unfortunately a happening market can make our deciding what to read next difficult (since there are so many titles we would like to dive right into). And with the...