Once Upon a Read-a-Thon final update
When we signed up for this Read-a-Thon, we thought it would be easy peasey to read a lot of books in three days. Unfortunately, being summer, it wasn't easy and we weren't able to devote nearly as much time as we would've liked to our passion of reading, plus only Laurie and Caity were able to participate. We were able to read these books: Unearthly by Cynthia Hand (read together) Wings of Shadows by Anna Kyss (Laurie) Shades of Blood by L.M. Pruitt (Laurie) We began: City of Bones by Cassandra Claire (together) pg. 123 Insurgent by Veronica Roth(together) pg. 102 Even if we didn't read as many titles as we wanted to, the books we read were all entertaining and we liked them. Thanks to the wonderful gals of Reading Angel , Pure Imagination and Candace's Book Blog . And here's our answer to The Reader Bee's mini challenge for today: Our most anticipated book of 2012 is: ...