Blog Tour: Fifty Percent Vampire by @dkjanotta with excerpt #YA #Paranormal #Romance #BookTour @YABoundToursPR

Fifty Percent Vampire by D.K. Janotta Release Date: September 5th 2015 Summary from Goodreads: TEENAGE GIRL FLEES THE UNDEAD !!! Living at home is driving seventeen-year-old Astrid Sonnschein nuts. She's desperate to leave her parents behind, and why not, with stepfather George a foul-tempered old vampire, and Mom - well, the less we say about Mom the better. And our heroine has another compelling reason for getting out of Dodge. If she stays home much longer she's in grave danger of being transformed forever, and the last thing she wants is to become the newest Nosferatu. So it's off to Rosenberg High and relative safety. Except it's far from safe when her relatives are holier than holy Aunt Jean, beer-swilling couch potato Uncle James and devious, cat-loving cousin Emma. And that's just evenings and weekends. Astrid Sonnschein's schooldays teem with teeth-sinkable challenges, the man of her dreams refuses to play by the rules, and the pl...