Avalanche by Arthur Roth

Reading level: Young Adult Paperback: 140 pages Publisher: Scholastic Paperbacks (January 1989) If only he had a second chance! Chris Palmer is always competing with his brother. Hotshot Terry,star athlete, is their father's pride and joy, and Chris is tired of being number two. But if he hadn't been trying to show up Terry, the accident would never have happened. Chris was just going out for a little skiing and a little hunting. The hungry coyote seemed an easy mark, and big brother Terry had never shot one. Then the echoing crack of his rifle sets off an thundering avalanche, and Chris is buried alive under a moutain of snow. No one saw him go under. He is all alone. MY REVIEW: This book was part of my English class's required reading so I had to read it, but it was pretty interesting. Chris is skiing and hunting but when he shoots his rifle it sets off an avalanche that traps him for about a week. Being buried in an avalanc...