Seeing Red blog tour: review & two giveaways

Hello and welcome to our stop on the Seeing Red blog tour hosted by AToMR Blog Tours . We have our review and there are two giveaways to enter. Seeing Red by Sidney Halston Adult Contemporary Romance Paperback, 397 pages Published Febuary 15, 2013 by Sidney Halston Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble A love triangle just wouldn't suffice; Jillian Stone had the 'misfortune' of getting herself into a love square--with twins, nonetheless. Alexander, Oliver, and Jillian were raised on a deserted island. For 12 years, all they knew were those that were marooned with them. A strong bond would link them forever. At 12 years old, they are all rescued and clairvoyant Jillian is immediately shipped off to boarding school. Ten years later, she is reunited with her twins at the funeral of Helen, the woman who “mothered” them while on the island. The innocent and childhood feelings they shared on the island...well, they aren’t so innocent an...