Release Celebration Blitz: My Unscripted Life by @LaurenEMorrill #YA #romance #giveaway

On Tour with Prism Book Tours . Release Celebration for My Unscripted Life By Lauren Morrill Excerpt & Note from the Author I had just moved from Boston to Georgia, didn’t know anyone, and so was spending all my time binging The Vampire Diaries on Netflix. Someone on Twitter pointed out that it was filmed in Georgia, and so I did a little Googling and found out that they were hiring extras! I submitted a photo and my info, and the next day I got a call asking if I wanted to work. I ended up doing several episodes of The Vampire Diaries (Ian Somerhalder talked to me!), and later some episodes of the spinoff show, The Originals . I fell in love with the crazy behind-the-scenes stuff that was happening on set and all the people on the crew who worked to make the magic happen. And so when I was starting to write my fourth novel, I knew I wanted to use a lot of the stuff I’d seen and learned on set. And that’s how Dee w...