Blog Tour: Very Superstitious: Myths, Legends and Tales of Superstition

Today's tour is a very special one. Very Superstitious: Myths, Legends and Tales of Superstition is an anthology featuring some of today's top authors in YA. Shannon Delany, Stephanie Kuehnert, Mari Mancusi and Jackie Morse Kessler are authors I've read and there are other authors as well. The proceeds from this book go to charity to benefit SPCA International. This anthology is a great book to enjoy on a chilly autumn night, sipping a warm mug of apple cider or hot cocoa. Enjoy this spotlight. Very Superstitious: Myths, Legends and Tales of Superstition Fantasy/mythology/paranormal anthology Paperback/eBook, 200 pages Published October 15th 2013 by Month9Books, LLC. ISBN-13: 978-0-9883409-4-7 ISBN eBook: 978-1-939765-75-8 Authors: Shannon Delany, Jackie Morse Kessler, Stephanie Kuehnert, Jennifer Knight, Marianne Mancusi, Michelle E. Reed, Dianne Salerni and Pab Sungenis The stories are based on urban legends, myths, tribal tales and supersti...