Trance by Linda Gerber

Reading Level: YA Paperback: 304 pages Publisher: Speak; Original edition (October 14, 2010) Book Summary: Ashlyn Greenfield has always known when bad things are going to happen. Each time that familiar tingling at the back of her neck begins, she knows what’s to come - a trance. She’s pulled in, blindsided, an unwilling witness to a horrible upcoming event. But she’s never been able to stop it’s not even when the vision was of her mother’s fatal car accident. When soulful Jake enters Ashlyn’s life, she begins having trances about another car accident. And as her trances escalate, one thing becomes clear: it’s up to her to save Jake from near-certain death. My Review: Ashlyn and her sister Kyra are gifted; they can see events in the future. The way it works is that both sisters witness the same vision, but are limited to observe specific details. The sisters have yet to figure out how exactly they can piece their trances together. One night, while at a party, Ashlyn igno...