Promotional event for SWEET by Tammara Webber @wordsmithpublic @TammaraWebber

Join us in celebrating the release of SWEET by Tammara Webber! Check out the excerpt and teasers below! SWEET (Contours of the Heart #3) by Tammara Webber NA Contemporary Romance Goodreads Amazon | iBooks | B&N | Kobo | Amazon UK Blurb: He’s the love of her life, but he doesn’t know it. She’s his one moment of sacrifice in a lifetime of survival. He was damaged and wild, but resilient. She’s always been obedient. Now she’s restless. Home for the summer between college and med school, Pearl Torres Frank knows two things: Boyce Wynn is the embodiment of everything she should run from, and everything she wants to run to. Rebellious and loud. Unconcerned with society’s opinion of him. Passionate. Strong. Dangerous. And one more trait he hides from everyone but her: Sweet . Excerpt: In four years, nothing had erased or even dimmed my memories of Boyce. His kiss. His touch. The disorienting intensity of his gaze. I was a different person ...