Blog tour: Kill Devil Hills by Sarah Darlington

KILL DEVIL HILLS Author: Sarah Darlington Genre: New Adult Romance More info: Goodreads Synopsis: He’s twenty-four. She’s eighteen. His life is exactly the way he’s always wanted it to be...stable. She’s quite possibly the very definition of unstable. Noah saved her. Georgina never wanted to be saved. Growing up, Noah Clark was passed from one relative to the next until he finally ended up living with his abusive, alcoholic uncle in Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina. Thanks in part to the unwavering love and support of his best friend, Ellie Turner, Noah survived those years, escaped his uncle, and grew into the man he is today. Now he runs his own business and lives a pretty normal, no-nonsense life—one where he maintains a high level of control. Georgina is Ellie’s younger sister. Four months ago, Noah saved Georgie’s life, but he thought that was where his involvement with his friend’s sister would end. Now Georgie has returned home from the recovery facili...