Safari Moon Book Tour + Author Giveaways

Summary: Solo St. John, a wildlife photographer, is preparing for a trip to Alaska. Suddenly, Solo finds women of all sorts invading his privacy, his home and his office, all cooing nonsense words and blatantly throwing themselves at him. Solo doesn't know why, and he has no idea how to rid himself of the persistent women. He finally decides to beg a favor of his best buddy Nyssa Harrington. In love with Solo for the past ten years and knowing he doesn't return her feelings Nyssa doesn't want to talk to Solo. She knows if she accepts his phone call, she will not be able to resist the temptation to hope again. Guest Blog: Can you share your writing journey with us and tell us a bit more about your novel? Always being focused on science and math during my college years my writing journey did not begin until I was home taking care of my children. The spark grew into a flame after my mother inspired me to give writing a try when she responded to my innocent and...