Children's Book Week: Recollection #2: Judy Blume

Today is the second day of Children's Book Week and we're paying homage to Judy Blume. (Laurie) As a young girl, I spent many hours in my local public library primarily doing one thing--reading. Since the kid's section was small I only had a handful of shelves to choose from so selecting time was brief. I read the classics from Little House On The Prairie , Pippi Longstocking , Black Beauty and many others. Then I discovered Judy Blume . Here was someone--finally!--writing TO me about me. Her characters sounded like me, thought the same thoughts, had the same feelings. I was amazed. How did one lady know all of this? Today, I still don't know how Judy Blume does it--pegs the voice of kids so well--but I'm grateful that she does. She changed my reading experience into something profound. I will never forget the memories and the impact her books had on me. My first Judy Blume experience. Pure awesome. Growing up has its painful moments. Deenie...