Follow the tour Halloween is this Saturday and what better way to count down the remaining days than participating in a special blog tour highlighting scary reads? We're hosts for Leap Books' Crossroads Blog Tour 2015 featuring fantastic authors and their books. This tour runs for seven (yes, seven!) days and on each day we will be spotlighting an author or two, as well as showcasing their latest book and their answers to our two questions. There's also a giveaway! So, without further adieu, we present Day 1 of the Crossroads Blog Tour with authors Tina Ferraro and Dorothy Dreyer. We hope you enjoy this special tour (and make sure to check out the FANTASTIC covers for Dorothy Dreyer's YA book series below. *LUV them!*). We thank the authors for taking the time to answer our questions. Don't forget to follow the tour on Twitter @TheCrossroadsBT and on Facebook .