Since You Asked blog tour: spotlight, Top Ten list and giveaway

Hello and welcome to our stop on the Since You Asked Blog Tour hosted by Book Nerd Tours . We have a fantastic Top Ten post and there's a giveaway for everyone to enter. Happy reading! Since You Asked by Maurene Goo YA contemporary romance Hardcover/eBook, 262 pages Published June 25th 2013 by Scholastic A humorous, debut novel about a Korean-American teenager who accidentally lands her own column in her high school newspaper, and proceeds to rant her way through the school year while struggling to reconcile the traditional Korean values of her parents with contemporary American culture. Top 10 Favorite Things
Holly's favorite things to do with her closest friends Watch bad movies and make fun of them Eat burritos at the Burrito Shack Sit with their feet in the water at the beach Watch marathons of favorite TV shows Go to shows of their favorite bands Take bad photos of each ot...