Joel Andre Virtual Tour

Guest Post: When I first started writing, I thought all I had to do to gain exposure was to post my book to Amazon. Over the years, I have found out it is a little more complex than that. If people don’t know your books are out there, they won’t pick them up. But getting noticed can be difficult. It took a few years for stories like A Death at the North Pole, Autopsy and Brutal to pick up in sales and get noticed. This can be attributed to a few things. Let’s start off with the fact the running ads is expensive. I dropped about $10,000 in advertising through online book tours and advertising on various websites. This proved to be effective to a point, but once the ads went down, sales dropped as well. But I have found there are things you can do to keep sales up and most of them won’t cost you a fortune. Now, it is likely that, even if you think your sales are doing okay, you want to see an increase in your sales. You can do this. You need to make sure that people find your books eas...