Always Remembered by Kelly Risser blog tour promo with excerpt and #giveaway @kar2b @cleanteenpub

Always Remembered by Kelly Risser Release Date: 05/19/15 Clean Teen Publishing Summary from Goodreads: One clue… what does it mean? Ken, the leader of the Blue Men of the Minch, has kidnapped Evan. Before they left, Evan was able to leave a package for Meara—her grandfather's necklace wrapped in a cloth napkin with one word written in blood. Azuria. Unfortunately, Meara doesn't understand it and neither does her dad or Kieran. When Dad and Aunt Brigid attempt to rescue Evan, Meara and Kieran begin to train the clan on how to fight and defend their home. A war is brewing, and Meara is determined their people must prepare for the battle. The training sessions are long and arduous, but the Selkies work hard to learn.