Sizzling PR Book Tour: Wife by Wednesday

Reader Girls welcomes the Wife by Wednesday tour today. We were able to interview author Catherine Bybee and thank her. Blurb: A Contemporary Romance with a dash of humor and a whole lotta sexy… Blake Harrison: Rich, titled, and charming… And in need of a wife by Wednesday so he turns to Sam Elliot who isn’t the business man he expected. Instead, Blake is faced with Samantha Elliot, engaging and spunky with a voice men call 900 numbers to hear. Samantha Elliot: Owner of Alliance , her matchmaking firm, and not on the marital menu... That is until Blake offers her ten million dollars for a one-year contract. All she needs to do is keep her attraction to her husband to herself and avoid his bed. But Blake’s toe-curling kisses and charm prove too difficult to combat. Now she needs to protect her heart so she can walk away when their mercenary life together is over. Thank you for having me here today, Reader Girls. You've published so many novels in the paranormal time tra...