#BlogTour: Cupcake Overload by @BethanyLopez2 with reviews #romance
Welcome to our stop on the blog tour for Cupcake Overload. Being a huge fan and supporter of author Bethany Lopez, we always try to participate in any events she may have. I totally messed up on my tour date and apologize. My review is below. Thanks for spending time with us and have a wonderful weekend!

Cupcake Overload (Cupcakes #2) By Bethany Lopez
Romantic Comedy/Suspense
paperback/eBook, 266 pages
Published August 22nd 2016
One night I was out with my girls enjoying a much needed ladies night while wondering if one more dirty martini would push me over the edge. The next thing I knew, I was in the club’s bathroom listening to a woman screaming, “No,” and a man’s voice growling, “I know you want it.”
That asshole picked the wrong restroom, in the wrong club, at the wrong time.
Little did I know the asshole was Cade’s VP, and although we saved that woman from his clutches that night, she’d be found floating in a motel pool a month later.
Running a PI firm is a lot harder than taking pictures for one, especially when your professional life spills over into your personal one. I’m going through cupcakes like our new puppy goes through piddle pads, and if I’m not careful there’s bound to be a Cupcake Overload.
Purchase Links for Cupcake Overload:
Author Bethany Lopez always makes me smile while I read her books. She has this ability to draw me in with her realistic characters, entertain me with their antics, make my toes curl with some smexy time, and touch me with emotional scenes. I know that's the point of storytelling, at least with romantic ones, but some authors do it better than others. In Cupcake Overload, the larger than life redhead with a penchant for sneaky photography returns and how I missed her! Welcome back, Lila.
This time she's running the P.I. business she used to work for and doing a great job. A moment inside a ladies' restroom and overhearing a conversation introduces the conflict for this story and what an intense, emotional one it becomes. We can be quick to judge and Lila isn't exempt from this fault as she soon discovers when she attends a biker barbecue with her boyfriend, Cade. Readers will remember this hunk of a man from book one. I'm so glad they're still together. These two bring out the best in each other and I love the way he interacts with Lila's two kids. These scenes can really swell a reader's heartstrings as they did mine (*reaches for tissue*again).
Lila finds herself with a new case and a new set of problems to deal with. Through it all, Cade is her support system, except for when he isn't. This surprised me, but I'm glad it happened as it showcases Lila, her strength and resilience, and the impenetrable bond she shares with her closest lady friends. Oh, and having some cupcakes to help ease any strife is always a good thing. It helps to have a baker for a best friend.
Lila is incredibly likable, funny, with a heart of gold. She's not perfect and that's what I like about her most. She can make mistakes and admit when she's wrong and usually do it in a highly entertaining way. Cade is a hunky biker guy who has certainly met his match (and then some). The scene at the barbecue almost did me in as my emotions volleyed up-and-down like a roller coaster car.
I loved Cupcake Overload! I zoomed through it in one evening (cupcake-less, unfortunately) and enjoyed every single minute. This story has it all--from mystery to hot romance, poignant family moments (with a puppy!), to high spirited ladies' night action. Thanks Ms. Lopez for making my stay with Lila a memorable one.
Rating: 5
Cover comment: Delicious looking!
Book source: I received a promotional copy.
Purchase Links for the Previous Title:

Always Room for Cupcakes is on sale now!
It isn't easy following people around, waiting for the perfect moment to snap proof of their being a louse, and Lila excels since she's already lived it. But don't call her a victim. With her zany way and foul language, she makes the reader love her and go along with her for the ride. Page after page, I found myself absorbed in her life and her story. When a hot biker comes up to her and offers her a ride, the swoon light turned on and never went out. Cade is sexy and low key, intense in his attraction to Lila, and candid in what he wants. Their scenes together would melt the frosting off of any cupcakes I had while reading, if I was that lucky (which I was not), but I still had fun with my imaginary confections.
There's a mystery to be solved and when danger rears its ugly head, Lila finds herself smack dab in the middle of it. The author doesn't take the easy way out and gives us whatever heartbreak comes after the case is solved. Lila can make me laugh and also make me choke up when life throws her some nastiness. Her kids ground her and Cade reminds her that she is a woman worthy of a man's respect and love. I really enjoyed Make Room for Cupcakes. It's a fast, satisfying read with engaging characters, a whole lot of sass, hot romance and heart. It also left me needing a cupcake or two.
Rating: 4
Cover comment: Very cute!
Book source: I received a complimentary copy.


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