Blog tour for Morgan’s Mountain, A Montana Series Novella by Krista Ames with excerpt and #giveaway #RoaneBooks

We have a Western romance today. Who doesn't love a western? Reader Girls is thrilled to bring Morgan's Mountain, A Montana Series Novella Blog Tour. There's an excerpt and a tour-wide giveaway. Have a great day!

Title: Morgan’s Mountain, A Montana Series Novella
Author: Krista Ames
Publisher: Roane Publishing
Release Date: July 13, 2015
Keywords: Romance, Western, Contemporary, Series, Novella

On the proverbial run from another failed relationship, Morgan finds herself in the one place she always found solace. With every intention of being alone, she’s surprised when she comes across the one person she never expected.

Luke would go to the ends of the earth to figure out why Morgan ran away five years ago and make things right with her. However, a dangerous trek up the mountains to her family’s cabin might not have been the smartest choice. To say she was happy to see him would be a huge lie.  Having to rescue him, mortifying for Luke.

Toss a kidnapper into the mix and their feelings for each other are brought into perspective, revealing parts of themselves they never thought would come to light.

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Morgan heard a commotion up ahead, much like the sounds Pepper was making as she progressed along the trail. It was a huge risk coming out into enemy territory in the middle of the night, hard telling what kind of animals were roaming or hunting. Glad she’d grabbed the spotlight, Morgan swung it toward the noise and could clearly see another horse. It was saddled, which meant there was a rider somewhere. Maybe it was the lost hiker’s horse.

As she came alongside the mare, it’s prancing revealed a snow-covered person huddled on the ground at its feet.

“Oh no!” Morgan immediately slid off of Pepper, her search and rescue training kicking into gear at the sight of the balled-up unmoving mass. If the person was still alive, it was only by a thread and she hoped he hadn’t been trampled by his own horse.

Not knowing what to expect, Morgan got as close as she dared, and touched the person’s shoulder, shaking it a bit to see if there was any reaction. “Hey, are you okay? Sir, can you hear me? My name is Morgan and I’m part of the search and rescue team looking for a lost hiker.” To her dismay, there was no sign of life from the person. She removed the glove from her right hand and worked inside the stranger’s duster to get two fingers on his neck, looking for a pulse.

His skin was bitter cold.

“Whew. We’ve got one, Pepper. It’s not much, but this guy is still alive.”

About the author
Born and raised in Northern Indiana, Krista now resides in Northern Lower Michigan.  She is married to a very supportive man who allows her to follow her true passion of writing and never complains when she is pirated away on her computer for hours.  He is excellent at bouncing ideas around with and even helps the occasional writers block.  He’s also a terrific “in house” editor.  Krista is also a mother of 4 ornery children who keep her plenty busy.  With an addition of 2 beautiful chocolate lab sisters and a playful kitty, there is never a dull or spare moment in her household.  

Krista has always loved to read and would often sit up for hours into the night not able to put down a book until she was finished.  She still reads when she can but her main focus is creating her own stories to share with the world.  

She loves to communicate with her readers so please feel free to drop her a line anytime.
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