Sizzling PR Blog Tour: Sweet Irish Kiss + Giveaway

We are changing things up today. Instead of running a book tour in our usual format of blurb/post/author bio, we're letting the author speak first. Without any further verbage, Reader Girls introduces author JoAnn Kenrick.

Guest Post by JoAnn Kenrick

I'm psyched to be here at Reader Girls! *Waves hi* Thanks so much for hosting a stop on my book tour with Sizzling PR, and helping me celebrate the release of Sweet Irish Kiss which is my first addition to the multi-author series called 1NightStand. Yes, I said my first because I've a second that comes out in October, Dracula's Kiss. If you love vampire romance, and are rather partial to a sexy Scotsman and spooky castle ruins with connections to Bram Stoker's Dracula, then you'll LOVE IT!

The series is based around Madame Evangeline's match-making skills. A woman to be reckoned with, and owner of a highly successful matchmaking service; put the right two people together for just one night and anything is possible. Especially when the dates take place at the fabulous Castillo Hotels and Resorts in some of the most exotic places in the world. As a Brit myself, you'll notice a strong British flavor to all my 1NightStand stories, and Sweet Irish Kiss is no exception to that. I've also lived in Australia, and use that experience in my writing, too.

But it's not always smooth sailing in the world of writing romances based in Britain and Australia. We three countries may all be speaking English, but there are so many variations that it can be the bane of my existence. It's funny, I recently blogged about this on The Pop Culture Divas, and how it can be a struggle to ensure all words can be understood through context. My struggle and obsessive need to get things 'right' often sparks Facebook status updates with me asking questions like 'what do you call a biro in The States. Do you call them biros?' What about fountain pens?Erm, what's a biro? A bic. A cheap ball-point. Apparently, it's just called a pen. All pens are just called pens. Okay. But it was important I mention what type of pen it was. I mean, come on, fashion guru and TV star won't use just any pen, right? Finally, after a really, really long discussion on Facebook, it is discovered everyone, from UK, Oz and USA, knew what a gel pen was. Yeay! We have lift off. So I went with a glitter induced gel-pen. Image trying to do that on a regular basis, to ensure your audience in as many countries as possible know what the heck you are talking about. 

It's fun, tiresome, and it's a learning experience. One of which that can sometimes have the opposite effect. Apparently, I'm turning American right before my very eyes. Upon recently going through edits on Dracula's Kiss, I ended up giving myself the fits of giggles because after that really long post on POP CULTURE, I had to change an American English word over to British English. The offending word? Cab. An English girl in Scotland takes a cab? Ruh-oh. No way. It's taxi! What was I thinking? And apparently this had my editor laughing, too. Or maybe it was my comment next to the mistake, where I laughed at myself and gave myself the snarky, blunt editors message to change it! Yes, life as a British writer living in America can be a challenge. But I wouldn't have it any other way. I love sharing my British heritage through my fiction works...that said, how'd you fancy just a tiny snippet of Sweet Irish Kiss, to sample my Brit flavor?

“Gawdon Bennet! Donkey Amateur Dart night. I curse internet shopping and that darn dart board Shaun found doing it.” Sandra clanked the teaspoon in her boss’s cup and went about her vent session with vengeance. “Lawd above! Sunday nights were nice before that bunch took residence. Should be home with my grandkids telling them tales, not here serving this impatient lot, innit.” She poured the full-fat milk and presented the coffee to Shaun. “There, don’t say I don’t do nothing for you.” He winked at her. “Don’t you go flashing your gorgeous greens at me, either. It’s so not gonna fly, mister!” Sandra wiped down the bar and went to serve a punter.

Want more of my Brit lingo? Fancy reading about a hot Irish bar dude who knows how to mix a mean cocktail and romance a girl off her feet? That was a bad pun, one that only folks who've read Sweet Irish Kiss will understand.


Here's the book trailer, blurb and buy know, in case you feel compelled to want this Irish hottie in your eReader :) Psst, the full recipe for an Irish Kiss, a Baileys cocktail almost as smooth as Shaun Bell, is within the is the recipe for Shaun's version.

Book Blurb: Ingredients for a perfect Irish Kiss; Baileys, Kahula, and whipped cream. For a Sweet Irish Kiss...just add Shaun Bell, a divorced workaholic bar-owner in Soho, London. Line up ladies. He's ready to love again. 

Rachel Taylor was damaged by Daddy Dearest's play-away from home attitude. She wants to put her best foot forward. Only problem is, she stumbles backward each time she tries. 

The 1NightStand match-making site brings this pair together for a night of guilt and commitment free sex. It's a match made in heaven until morning rolls around and Shaun can't bring himself to say goodbye. Can he win her over with his Sweet Irish Kiss, or will Rachel still see the neon "potential cheater" sign above his head?
ARe Bestseller!  Amazon  More BUYLINKS

About the author: JoAnne Kenrick, an ex-Ghost Tour Guide turned Romance Author, is a Welsh lass who has lived in various countries around the world. She now calls North Carolina her home, where she lives with her husband, two children and a lazy cat. When they aren't demanding her attention, she can most likely be found watching a vampire movie, reading or baking up a British favorite in her N.C. kitchen. That is, when she isn't writing or chatting up a storm on social networking sites.


JoAnn Kenrick will give one commenter an ebook copy of Sweet Irish Kiss. Simply leave your email with your comment and you'll be entered! Contest ends on October 26.


  1. Sounds like a great read!! I definitely want to read about a hot Irish bar dude!! And the recipe to boot!

  2. I wonder what a splash of Amarula would do to an Irish kiss...hmmm. I love the concept of the book and can't wait to read it.

  3. I love stories that include lingo or culture from other countries. Both of the 1NS stories sound great. Thank you so much for the chance to win a copy of SWEET IRISH KISS.
    June M.
    manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

  4. I love anything Irish - especially in the package of a hot guy! that accent just undoes me! I dated an Irishman years and years ago and put up with a lot of shite just so I could keep looking into his green eyes and listen to him speak...although, eventually, the eyes and melodioous voice wasn't work the rest of it1
    Ah, well. Most of it was sweet...
    msmjb65 AT gmail DOT com


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