Release Event: Bound by Wish and Mistletoe by Kat Bastion

Bound by Wish and Mistletoe (Highlands Legend, #1.5) by Kat Bastion
Adult Paranormal Romance/Highlander Romance/ Holidays (for holiday novella)
Paperback, 160 pages
November 5th, 2013

Goodreads | Amazon

Desperate to honor a life-long promise, Susanna MacEalan escapes her abusive clan with the fierce determination of never falling under the power of a man. Ever.

Aggravated by shallow-hearted pursuing lasses, Robert Brodie, commander of his clan’s elite guard, has foresworn scheming women. Forever.

When magick transforms Brodie Castle into a Christmas wonderland, the two despondent souls find solace in a most unexpected place . . . each other’s arms.

Amid a whirlwind of escalating events, Susanna’s traumatic past threatens Robert’s ability to protect the one woman meant for him. In a harrowing moment, as her fears and demons coalesce, will hope, faith, and love be enough to save them?

Excerpt 1 from Bound by Wish and Mistletoe

Whatever power Robert possessed, it had more effect on Susanna than any amount of ale or spiced cider, casting her harrowing fears into faded memories. She had fallen under his spell and somehow couldn’t imagine being anywhere else. His incredible heat and power surrounded her, and all she wanted, what her body and heart, her very soul craved, was to be desired by him, to be protected by him . . . to be his.

“Doona move,” he warned, his voice rasping out, vibrating the skin of her throat.

A soft laugh escaped her lips. “I canna move.”

As he held her head back with her hair fisted in his hand, his devastating lips dragged down the side of her neck and across her shoulder, burning her skin with slow kisses along the way. An unquenchable fire built within her again, the ravenous need of her body overcoming lucid thought.

She swallowed hard. He seemed perfectly content to spend an eternity with his mouth on her shoulder blade. Unable to stand the increasing need within her, she squirmed beneath his hips, trying to ease the tension. For a moment, pleasure coursed through her, the friction against the rug creating a new, exciting sensation.

A loud growl at her ear and hard tug of her head back made her freeze. She whimpered, her scalp stinging, while a surprising erotic heat radiated down, stoking her building fire.

“I said, ‘doona move,’ and I meant it,” he clipped out.

“Robert, I canna help it. I need to move,” she replied.

“Aye, love,” he crooned, his heated breath trekking over the shell of her ear, “I know you do. Be patient. The reward is greater, the longer we wait.”

A heavy sigh whooshed out of her lungs, her feisty nature holding true no matter his wishes. His low chuckle followed.

Silken strands of his hair brushed across her shoulders as he placed his teeth on the skin between her shoulder and neck. He bit down into the muscle; but instead of hurting, an aching pulse shot straight between her thighs. She gasped in shock. He released the primal hold, licking the skin and blowing on it. Goose bumps raced down her body.

“Do you trust me, lass?”

Did she? No one had held her trust other than Mama. She never thought another soul could hold it. Not in her wildest imaginings would she have thought a man could . . . or would.

Forged in Dreams and Magick (Highland Legends #1) by Kat Bastion
Paperback, 338 pages
Published September 23rd 2013 by Kat Bastion

Isobel MacInnes wakes up in present-day California, lunches in medieval Scotland, and by ten days’ end, falls in love with a man and his country, only to lose them in a heart-wrenching twist of fate . . .

Found in the arms of her second soul mate . . .

Forced to balance the delicate strands of time between two millennia . . .

Shocked by revelations rewriting the very foundations of history . . . of everything.

Isobel, a rising-star archaeology student, is dropped into two ancient worlds without warning . . . or her permission. Her fiery spirit resists the dependency thrust upon her. Amid frustration at her lack of control, she helplessly falls in love. Twice.

She struggles to adjust to the unimaginable demands of two leaders of men—a laird in the thirteenth-century Highlands and a Pict chieftain in a more ancient Scotland. Isobel transforms from an academic, hell-bent on obtaining archaeological recognition, to a woman striving to care for those she loves, and ultimately . . . into a fearless warrior risking everything to protect them.

Forged in Dreams and Magick Goodreads | Amazon  | Barnes and Noble 

About the Author

Kat Bastion is an award-winning paranormal romance writer, poetic warrior, and eternal optimist who loves getting lost in the beauty of nature.

On a never-ending, wondrous path of self-discovery, Kat throws her characters into incredible situations with the hope that readers join her in learning more about the meaning of life and love.

Her first published work, Utterly Loved, was shared with the world to benefit others. All proceeds from Utterly Loved, and a portion of the proceeds of all her other books, support charities who help those lost in this world.

Kat lives with her husband amid the beautiful Sonoran Desert of Arizona. Visit her blog at, her website at, and her Twitter account at for more information.

There is an overall event giveaway of:

(5) eBook copies of each title (5 of Bound by Wish and Mistletoe and 5 of Forged in Dreams and Magick) gifted from either Kindle, Nook, Kobo, or ARe (not Smashwords) - International

(5) Signed print copies of each title (5 of Bound by Wish and Mistletoe and 5 of Forged in Dreams and Magick) – International

(1) Pandora sterling silver and 14k gold Christmas Tree charm with Pandora sterling silver bracelet - International
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you so much for your blog and a chance to win.

  2. Thank you so much, Laurie and ReaderGirls!

    I hope you and your readers enjoy the stories!

    ~ Kat

  3. Eeep! Maybe my Google sign-in will show my shoe!

    Thank you, Dawn! You're welcome, and good luck!

    And I hope you get a chance to read and enjoy the stories!

    ~ Kat

  4. Both books sound amazing, thank you for the giveaway :) *Crosses fingers*

  5. I *so* want to read the Highland Legends book! An archeologist being dropped into the past would be crazy. Seeing things that are broken/fragile beyond belief in the present and then seeing them in all their cool :)

  6. I need to hurry up & catch up. Fabulous reading ahead.


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