Spring Fling Giveaway Hop

It's time for another hop! This one is the Spring Fling Giveaway Hop which is hosted by I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and Eve’s Fan Garden and runs from now through midnight on May 7th. 

We are giving away one ARC of Thorn Abbey by Nancy Ohlin. Our giveaway is open internationally. Here's the book:
Thorn Abbey by Nancy Ohlin
YA retelling/paranormal*Hardcover/eBook, 304 pages
Expected publication: May 7th 2013 by Simon Pulse

Nothing is as it seems in this darkly romantic tale of infatuation and possession, inspired by Daphne du Maurier’s Rebecca.

Becca was the perfect girlfriend: smart, gorgeous, and loved by everyone at New England’s premier boarding school, Thorn Abbey. But Becca’s dead. And her boyfriend, Max, can’t get over his loss.

Then Tess transfers to Thorn Abbey. She’s shy, insecure, and ordinary—everything that Becca wasn’t. And despite her roommate’s warnings, she falls for brooding Max.

Now Max finally has a reason to move on. Except it won’t be easy. Because Becca may be gone, but she’s not quite ready to let him go…

Next up:
Next stop on the hop is Fiction Freak.
Find the complete list of participating blogs here.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love retellings. I've recently read Cinder and the Madman's Daughter, both were based on different stories, and they were terrific.

  2. I really do enjoy retellings. I recently read Cinder by Marissa Meyer. I've also read A Curse Dark As Gold by Elizabeth C. Bunce. One a Cinderella story and the other a Rumpelstiltskin retelling. I enjoyed both of them.

  3. It depends. I've read some really good ones..likenGregory Maguires Wicked series, for instance!

  4. Some - The Grimm Fairy Tales, (not good with titles) Little Red Riding hood retellings have been my favorites so far.


  5. A few - I really loved Tiger Lily but didn't like Beastly. Depends on the writer!

  6. I guess my real answer is it depends on the writer and the tale.
    Thank you for the giveaway! Kathleen on the RC

  7. i do like retellings..my fave is retelling of snow white :)

  8. Yes, I like Beastly and looking forward for other books.

  9. I don't mind retellings at all.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  10. I like retellings if they are well done :)
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  11. LOVE retellings, especially ones that are totally reworked like Cinder:)

    Thank you:)

    1. Christina K. in the rafflecopter

  12. Most times I do, but at times the original is the best.

  13. That depends on the story but as far as retellings go I have read a lot of retellings of Pride and Prejudice but nothing beats the original masterpiece. :)

    -Riz B.

  14. I do like them but not always!!!!

  15. To be honest, I've not actually read any retellings but I'd love to. I've had my eye on a number of them for a while now but just haven't got round to reading them!

  16. I actually like most retellings. It gives a different view/twist on an old favorite.

  17. Sure! I think Fractured Fairy Tales and such are fun. But it really depends on how the re-telling is done. Altered--fine. Same old--not so good!!

  18. I have actually really enjoyed the retellings I have read so far. They have been just the right similarities that made me fall for the story in the first place.

  19. I like retellings, but I'm more into those of classical novels (as is the case here) than of fairytales. Thanks so much for the giveaway :)

  20. I have read most of the retellings that I've read :)

  21. Yes! I love when an author can bring a new twist to old classics!

  22. Yes! I do, because they always affer something new!

  23. +JMJ+

    I enjoy some retellings, but very few have reached the bar for me.

    By the way, I currently have New Girl on my TBR shelf. It's also a Contemporary YA retelling of Rebecca! It would be cool to read it with Thorn Abbey and to compare and contrast. =)

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  24. Never actually read one before but have heard so many great things about books like Cinder! Thanks!

  25. Yes I do. I remember my first retelling was Beastly by Alex Flinn. I adored that book

  26. I usually do because it give a different spin or viewpoint of the story.

  27. I love retellings! I'm listening to the Splintered audiobook right now and it's pretty awesome! :) Plus, I took an English class in university that focused on fairy tales -- best class ever!!

  28. I like retelling. Having a story takes a different path or just different point of view is so refreshing on the old time favorites ;p

  29. I absolutely love them. Even if they are told in a way that the story winds up being complete and total rubbish, I still will read it and love it (while hating it) because I love retellings so much. I just really love new takes on old tales just to keep them going. It's one of my favorite things about reading. The stories never die.

    Shelly H.

  30. For the most part, I love retellings. Retellings are some of my favorite books (Ella Enchanted, Cinder, Madman's Daughter, etc.). Of course, there are some bad apples, but that's true of any genre.

  31. I like retellings especially if there is a twist I don't see coming from the original story.

  32. I love retellings! I usually enjoy it more if there's a unique change but honestly most of the time I enjoy the story so much it doesn't have to be that different.

  33. Retellings can be quite fascinating. I like them - I mean they are really just a new story, right?

  34. I love re-tellings when they're done right.

  35. I love story re-tellngs especially modern fairy tales like the ones by Alex Finn (i've read them all) and cinder

  36. I love retelling, it's always nice to see a fresh take on a classic.

  37. Yes! I adore retellings. Thanks for the giveaway!

  38. I do like retelling. There has been quite a few lately and I love that authors are writing about something different. There are quite a few stories to retell and there is so much the authors can do with these stories. And I love reading them to see how it all turns out. Thank you so much for your generous giveaway prize!! Thank you so much for a chance to win and for being a part of this fun and awesome blog hop!!

  39. I like retellings when they're done well. Unfortunately, I haven't enjoyed many lately.

  40. I dont mind. As long as it is good :)

  41. I really do like them, all the twists and turns ;)

  42. I like retellings when they're good, like Cinder and Splintered :)

  43. I do. A lot. They are some of my favorites, and I will almost always buy immediately if it is a retelling.

  44. I do.My favorite retelling is Beastly.Thanks for the giveaway :)

  45. Yep! My favourites this year have been Splintered and Scarlet :) Thanks for the giveaway!

  46. Yes, my fav is splintered.

  47. It depends if the retelling is good:) Thanks for the giveaway:)

  48. I love retellings but I want them to be better than the original story, not worse :) Thank you fot the int giveaway!

  49. Sometimes - it depends on what is being retold

  50. I've enjoyed a lot of the retellings that have come out lately.

  51. Sometimes...it's always interesting to see a new take on things and the creativity, but usually I like the original best.

  52. No. Seriously I'm bad at retellings.

  53. If a re-telling is done very well I don't mind them.

  54. I love retellings. The most recent one I read was Strands of Bronze and Gold. Amazing retelling of Bluebeard.

  55. I really do enjoy retellings.
    I read Cinder, and i really liked the idea!

  56. Sure - I'll read anything.

  57. Yes, I love retellings!! Weeeelllll... when they're good :) I like ones that pay homage to the original story, but that have a new and different, totally creative spin on it. I don't want it to be the exact Sam story with different character names and a different location - if I wanted that, I'd just read the original! I'd much rather read something like CINDER where the story is set in a whole different world and there are lots of things that are different. Actually, I just started FOR DARKNESS SHOWS THE STARS which is a loose retelling/re-interpretation of Jane Austen's PERSUASION.

    Thanks for not only being part of the giveaway hop but also for having as your prize this book that is a retelling of one of my absolute favorites, REBECCA!! And, somehow I hadn't even heard about this book yet, so I'm doubly glad I hopped by!! Thanks, ladies ;)

  58. I love retellings! I just read Cinder, now i'm reading SCarlet and I loved The Madman's Daughter so far this year!

  59. I do like retellings. It gives people a chance to see a story in a new way.

  60. I really like retellings. Its an opportunity to dream the same dream but in different colors :)
    Thanks for the giveway!

  61. I really love re-tellings, especially when the heart of the original is there but is totally set somewhere new and different!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  62. Yes, if they are done well. I would love to read this one!!

  63. I absolutely love re-tellings :)

  64. I've read some good and some bad so I'm kinda on the fence about it. They are not my first choice but I still read them.

  65. I've never read a retelling but as long as it is well written I'm sure I would like it.

  66. I love them, especially if it's darker than the original tale and has an incredible twist :) Thanks for the amazing giveaway!

  67. Yes I do b/c sometimes they are really creative and even better than the original. The TV shows Once Upon A Time and Grimm are favorites of mine and I'll never forget the twist on Cinderella in one of the Grimm episodes.

    Thanks :)

  68. i do :)
    rafflecopter name nicole krutz

  69. I love doing retellings. It is fun to get different "ts\akes' ON STORIES.

  70. sometimes I do I think it depends on what story it is

  71. Well it depends but so far all the retellings I've read have been amazing!

  72. I do love retellings as long as it brings something new and unique to the tale, otherwise, it's not worth it, just read the original. Thanks!

  73. I do LOVE retellings..my fave is retelling of snow white <3!

    Thank you so much! :)

    rafflecopter name: Joss A.

  74. I am an avid fan of retellings. I absolutely love Robin McKinley and her retellings of Beauty and the Beast. My other favorites are, The Storyteller's Daughter by Cameron Dokey, Jenna Starborn by Sharon Shinn, Cinder is really good too. I actually was interested in Thorn Abbey because I don't think I had ever seen a retelling of Rebecca.

  75. I LOVE retellings, and am so excited for this one! I LOVED CINDER, one of my favorite books ever! Scarlet is just as good! can't wait to read this one!

  76. Def! Some of the old stories never get old!
    Mary G Loki

  77. I've watched some retellings and they were that good but I haven't read any of them. I'm dying to read Cinder, anyway. And Thorn Abbey sounds great, thanks.

  78. Yup! I definitely like retellings. My Favorite retellings so far have all been of 'Beauty and the Beast'

  79. Yes, I think that is interesting what an author can do with a familiar story.

  80. This comment has been removed by the author.

  81. I LOVE story retellings, especially fairy tales in modern settings:)

  82. Retellings are awesome, especially when they are really different and take on elements to the story. Thanks for this giveaway!

  83. I actually enjoyed Beastly and planned on reading more of his books.

  84. I do enjoy them, especially when it puts a creative spin on a familiar story.

  85. I haven't read too many retellings, but what I have read I enjoyed. This book sounds interesting and I would love to read it. Thank you for joining this hop!!
    Bonnie Hilligoss / bonhill@speakeasy.net

  86. It really depends on the author and how they work the story.

  87. Depends on the story and the author

  88. yes!! My fave retelling is Curse of the Beast buy Ashley Lavering!

  89. sure, can be fun with a new take or angle - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

  90. Yes, I am a fanatic of fairy tale retellings.

  91. Yes!! I love retellings, thanks!

  92. I love retellings! They are awesome! Any rapunzel or beauty and the beast retellings are amazing!

  93. Yes, especially retelling based on Greek mythology.

  94. Yes, I love retellings, mostly fairy tale ones :)

  95. Yes, I love them, especially fairy tale ones!

  96. It depends. Some re-tellings are just too similar. If they are creative so that you have to think some to connect then yes.

  97. Yes, I so. I lie to see how much a story can change. Either for the good or bad! Great giveaway! :)

  98. I have never read a re-telling, but I'd be very interested in reading one, judging from the comments I've read here! Thanks for the chance to win!

  99. Yes I like them

    fb/ shirley greenawalt zolenski

  100. I seem to always have bad luck in retellings but I have had my eyes on this book!

    thanks for the giveaway,
    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  101. I LOVE the story Rebecca so I definitely want to read this book! Thank you for joining the blog hop!

  102. Not always. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  103. I've only read a few but yes, I've enjoyed them!

  104. Yep, I love it. Especially if it's Beauty and the Beast. ^^

  105. I haven't read about them but I do like the concept. Thanks for the giveaway! :)


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