Crash Into You Book Tour

A Goddess Fish Virtual Book Tour

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Welcome to Reader Girls! Our mom is thrilled to be hosting today's tour for author Roni Loren's debut erotic romance novel, Crash Into You. You can read her review here. Roni Loren is sharing a guest post and excerpt with everyone and don't forget to enter her fabulous giveaway (details can be found below).

Summary: Brynn LeBreck has dedicated herself to helping women in crisis, but she never imagined how personal her work would get, or where it would take her. Her younger sister is missing, suspected to be hiding from cops and criminals alike at a highly secretive BDSM retreat—a place where the elite escape to play out their most extreme sexual fantasies. To find her Brynn must go undercover as a sexual submissive. Unfortunately, The Ranch is invitation only. And the one Master who can get her in is from the darkest corner of Brynn’s past.

Brynn knows what attorney Reid Jamison is like once stripped of his conservative suit and tie. Years ago she left herself vulnerable only to have him crush her heart. Now she needs him again. Back on top. And he’s all too willing to engage. But as their primal desires and old wounds are exposed, the sexual games escalate—and so does the danger.  Their hearts aren’t the only things at risk. Someone else is watching, playing by his own rules. And his game could be murder.

GUEST POST: On Balancing Writing and Family Life

One of the toughest things I’ve had to tackle since I decided to pursue a writing career is finding the balance between my writing life and my family life. Before I had my son, I always had a full time day job. So I was used to having a quitting time. Except for the one position I had where I was on call, when five o’clock came, I was done for the day. I could go home and enjoy my time with my husband.

But after I had my son and decided to stay at home, things got a little less structured. Then I decided to pursue writing and it all became more complicated. Suddenly, I was sneaking in some writing while kidlet watched Barney or after he went to bed at night. My down time became writing time. And though I adore writing, it’s still work and time away from my family, so can wear you down if you don’t build in time to recharge.

And now that I’ve achieved my dream of being published, the responsibilities have grown. There are deadlines to be met on new books, blog posts to write, promo to do, and emails to answer. If I let myself, I could literally work sixteen hours a day and still have things to do. And I’m a perfectionist, so I want to get it all done and get it all done right. But if I do that, then my family would never see me.

So, I won’t pretend that I have it all figured it out yet because I’m still learning as I go, but I have had to make an effort to keep a more structured schedule. My kidlet goes to preschool in the afternoon, so I reserve that time for writing. In the mornings, I spend time with him and then blog and such if he gets occupied. In the evenings, I spend time with my family and then catch up on work things while hubs puts kidlet to sleep. I’m still trying to find where I stick in my reading for pleasure time, but I’ll get there.

How do you find the balance in your life? Do you prefer a structured day or a more flexible schedule? What time do you set aside for yourself or for your family?


Brynn’s response lodged in her throat, the all-too-familiar name ringing in her ears. No, couldn’t be. But a sinking feeling settled in her gut. She’d only met one Reid in her life, and that Reid was a lawyer. She closed her eyes and took a steadying breath before she turned around to face her new co-worker.

Reid’s blue-eyed gaze met her head-on, hitting her like an airbag to the chest. She sucked in a breath and fought the old instinct to lower her eyes in deference. Son of a bitch, where had that urge come from? She ticked up her chin and gave him her best I-hate-you-but-will-be-polite-because-I’m-the-bigger-person glare. “Hello.”

Cooper walked around Brynn and clapped Reid on the shoulder. “Reid, I’d like you to meet our other social worker, Brynn LeBreck.”

Reid nodded, his expression annoyingly unreadable. “Brynn, pleasure to see you again. It’s been a while.”

Not long enough. Three years had passed since she’d last seen him. His inky hair was longer on top and a few lines creased the corners of his eyes, but time hadn’t softened her warring responses to him. The urges to pummel his face and strip naked before him held almost equal weight. Luckily, the venue was too public to give in to either. She feigned an air of indifference. “It has.”

“Still as beautiful as ever, though.”

The warm notes of his voice stirred the dark recesses of her memory, further inciting the old longing. She shifted in her heels as hot tingles crept from deep in her belly and moved downward to settle between her legs. Un-f**king- believable. Her body was a whoring traitor.

Melody stepped next to Brynn as if sensing her need for support, and Cooper’s eyebrows rose. “You two know each other?”

Boy, did they—in just about every way a man and woman could. She searched Reid’s face, and he tipped his head infinitesimally, as if giving her permission to answer the question. Her eyes narrowed. “Used to. Long time ago.”

Cooper smiled, either oblivious or unperturbed by the tension zipping through the air between her and Reid. “Great. Guess introductions weren’t needed then.”

Nope. Not needed. Brynn knew exactly who Reid Jamison was. A first-class bastard.

(Full version of chapter one can be read here)

About the author: Roni wrote her first romance novel at age fifteen when she discovered writing about boys was way easier than actually talking to them. Since then, her flirting skills haven’t improved, but she likes to think her storytelling ability has. Though she’ll forever be a New Orleans girl at heart, she now lives in Dallas with her husband and son. If she’s not working on her latest sexy story, you can find her reading, watching reality television, or indulging in her unhealthy addiction to rockstars, er, rock concerts. Yeah, that's it. Her debut novel, CRASH INTO YOU, was published by Berkley Heat January 3, 2012.

Website/Blogs | Twitter | Tumblr (where Roni posts mancandy photos) |Facebook 

GIVE AWAY!!!! Roni Loren is having a give away. Here are the prizes she's offering:

* One signed set of Romance Trading Cards for "Crash Into You" to a random commenter at every stop.*  A $25 Amazon GC to one randomly drawn commenter during the tour. *  A signed set of Romance Trading Cards for "Crash Into You" AND a basket of romance novels (approx. $50 value) to the host with the most comments (excluding the author's and their own) including: Switch by Megan Hart, Big Jack by J.D. Robb, Enemy Lover by Karin Harlow, Beyond the Night by Joss Ware, and The Fallen: Raziel by Kristina Douglas.

To enter the giveaway follow the tour and comment; the more you comment, the better your chances of winning. The tour dates can be found here.  

We thank Roni Loren and Goddess Fish Promotions.


  1. Oh wow! That was a very charged excerpt. This book sounds great.

    As to balance in my life- all I can say is that it doesn't happen by accident. I have to intentionally block out times in my weekly/daily schedule so that all aspects of my life are in balance after I figure out how much priority/percentage of time to place on it.

    1. Sophia, glad you liked the excerpt! :) And I agree, if I don't schedule it, it won't happen.

  2. This is such a hot, sexy read. Loved your post.

  3. My children are older, so they can fend for themselves if I desperately need some time for myself. I do like my life a bit structured. I find everything runs smoother if it is.


  4. I think that writers who really want to write always find the time. You obviously have found the time. Good for you. The story sounds great.

    1. Yeah, I'm always amazed at other writers and what they do to find time to write--staying up til 3am after the kids go to sleep, writing on their lunch hours, etc. It's inspiring. I'm lucky that I can stay at home and get a few hours to myself.

  5. I really want my structured life back, but with three teenagers, that's impossible.I like knowing exactly what my schedule in going to be every day, but the kids always throw curve balls into it. They are teens but they seem to need more help now than when they were younger.
    I've been following the tour and having a blast. Great post and excerpt. Can't wait to read Crash Into You to see what happens between Reid and Brynn.


    1. Three teenagers. Whew, you deserve lots of chocolate and a glass of wine.

  6. What a great excerpt. Sound like this book is going to be full of a lot of sexual tension. Now I want to finish it. Can't wait to find out what he did to her to call him a first class bastard. Adding to my must read list. This is a new author for me and always looking for new authors to check out. Thanks for the chance to win.

    1. Chris, thanks so much! Hope you enjoy the book! :)

  7. It's been said that a book's first line is the most important line in the book. I just read the first chapter over on Amazon and I have to say you got me with your first line. What was your inspiration for it?

    1. Yay, glad you enjoyed the chapter and the first line. :) Hmm, inspiration on the first line. I think I just channeled those awful moments on first dates when your realize this is SO not working and you have an entire meal to get through with the person, lol.

  8. Wow! Loved the excerpt and after reading the review for it and reading the first chapter, I'm hooked! Have to read this one now! Thanks for the post and giveaway!

  9. Since I was injured, and have not been able to find a job that I can do with my restrictions and medical problems, my day is very flexible. And since I don't have children, and am single, it just makes it more flexible.
    Good luck with getting everything worked out with your schedule. I am amazed at all the work authors have to do, with writing, promotional work, not to mention real life work, family, etc.
    manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

    1. Sorry to hear you were injured, June. : ( And thanks.

  10. I don't seem to have any time for anything these days. Especially with all of my mom's appointments. I go with her since there's no one to go with her. She's been sick and there's no one to accompany her anywhere. When I was in college I use to write a lot during the summer and any free time. Now I don't have time or motivation. I use to have a friend who was good at motivating me to write and pushing me to but now I'm stressed and frustrated to do anything.

    1. Jackie, sorry to hear things are stressful for you right now. :( It seems there are times in life where getting down time is impossible. I know for the first 8 months or so after I had my son, I was pretty useless because he never slept. I couldn't have written a letter back then much less a book.

      Hope things calm down for you soon.

  11. I'm so glad I've raised my family. Now I have all the time in the world to take for myself that I want. At least until grandchildren start showing up, lol. But for 20 years I took no time for me and it burnt me out but good. Congrats to Roni for being smart enough to recognize that she must set up some time for herself in there. It's a must, ladies, it really is, or it's easy to lose your self for awhile!

    Great blog tour, Roni!

    Gena Robertson

    1. That's great advice, Gena. That's actually why I got back to writing. I realized I was doing all the wife and mom things, but really had nothing that was just for me. : )

  12. I have to follow a structured day,or I would not get anything done. But I do try to make some flexible time for me. Everyone needs a break.

  13. I agree with you...Where is the time for pleasure reading? That seems to be the thing that we give up when all the other pressures get to us.



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