Bewitching Book Tours: Ink by S.J. Davis

By S J Davis
Genre: paranormal YA

“It’s a good day to die.” My mother holds my arm fiercely. “But as you grieve for me, listen for the voices. Then, you must get the ink.”
Sparrow stumbles between two worlds – light and dark, love and hate, what is real and what is in her mind. When her mother dies on the Reservation, Sparrow’s world is shadowed with anger and narrowed by pain. The voices arrive, but are they real? And how can a tattoo make her stronger?

Mateo arrives to guard Sparrow, but from whom? Layne holds on to Sparrow, but why? As the voices grow stronger and her pain expands, Sparrow finds that the shadows in the corner and the voices we fear most are the ones inside ourselves.

Guest Post:

When Sparrow started to live in my head

When a character begins to take shape inside my head, I usually discover that they are based on someone I know or someone I care for in my real life. I’ve also found out that I am an unrepentant thief of personal quirks and habits. Anyone is fair game, especially if the characteristics are amusing or particularly odd. Although there isn’t one character in INK who matches up perfectly with someone from my real world, I couldn’t ever say that my characters aren’t somewhat recognizable – even though I do create horrible, yet fictional, circumstances for them to muddle through. It’s usually then, when they struggle and cope with an obstacle, that the character really starts to come alive to me. I start to worry!

Sparrow is an 18-year-old Native American girl, about to go to college when she loses her mother in an absolutely horrific car accident. Soon afterwards, she begins to hear menacing voices. On the outside, she seems to cope and plod through school and life in a relatively controlled manner. But as I outlined more about her story, I could see why. It was as if Sparrow quietly revealed to me what she was doing. In the dark, behind everyone’s back, she would cut herself. This is how she dealt with her pain, and this was ultimately something she would overcome as she moved into a more self-confident place.

As I wrote about her, many of her social experiences mirrored my own. And although I never cut myself, I did (like many teens) engage in some destructive behaviors. So, as I wrote about Sparrow and her darker times, it would cast a heavy shadow over my own adult life as I relived some of her emotions. Sometimes, I would find myself in an absolute funk and near depression as I unraveled Sparrow’s story.

But, INK isn’t a “downer” story, or at least I don’t think so. Sparrow moves into a good place, with the help of some very supportive friends and a hot spirit guide. And musician boyfriend, did I mention he’s hot too?

As a side note, when I wrote INK, I wanted to write a paranormal story where the heroine happens to be Native American. As a young reader of Native American descent, there was very little to no “popular” fiction for me to read that reflected who I was. I found most books to be very “tribal” or unnecessarily educational. So when Sparrow was born in my mind, she was perfect for a paranormal fantasy based on Native mythology. I hope you think so too.

About the Author: SJ Davis is the daughter of an ex-patriate British mother and a Southern Baptist ex-CIA father. As a child, she spoke in silly accents and recounted outlandish tales of fantasy over afternoon tea and to this day it remains her favorite activity. Born in Long Island, NY, she was raised in the suburbs of Washington DC and went to school for a very long time (University of Virginia and George Mason University), married an all-around wonderful man, had two kids (smart, funny, full of opinions), moved from Virginia to New Jersey to Philadelphia to Chicago, and began her writing career. She is a believer in fate, an avid tea drinker, a stiletto aficionado, Doc Marten worshipper, punk rock listener, and lover of flip flops and cardigans. She has a terrible sense of direction, loves gummy bears, and is a Johnny Depp fangirl.

Author Links: (fan page)!/SteampunkSarah (author page at Vamptasy)

I'm reading and enjoying Ink right now. My review will be posted soon. We thank S.J. Davis and Bewitching Book Tours.


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